Chef du Soleil – Attilio Rigatoni

Chef du Soleil - Attilio Rigatoni A character put together in short film form by Onofrio for a cooking show.

By | January 23rd, 2015|Attore, Clown, Video|Commenti disabilitati su Chef du Soleil – Attilio Rigatoni

Operative Manager for International Tours (Jack&Joe Theater)

After having helped the staging of it, I am now promoting the international touring of "Divina Commedia, Il Purgatorio", the excellent production of Dante Alighieri's masterpiece in form of visual-physical theatre and poetry by Jack&Joe Theatre of Artistic Director Adriano Miliani. For any inquiry or booking please contact me via Linked In or/and at [...]

By | November 25th, 2013|Regia/Organizzazione|Commenti disabilitati su Operative Manager for International Tours (Jack&Joe Theater)

ChiSO 4102

January 2013 – January 2013  Krasnaya Polyana Director of Creation ChISo4102 is probably the most elaborate and enthralling show production you can attend in the whole southern Russia. It is surely the most surprising and technologically captivating. In a revolving 100 minutes time span you will see more than 35 world class artists mesmerizing you with their [...]

By | December 27th, 2012|Performer, Regia/Organizzazione|Commenti disabilitati su ChiSO 4102


Chris Lynam "Onofrio is a pleasure to work with, always ready to give good advice and direction to other Clowns. He is great at connecting people in this often cut throat business." October 7, 2012, chris worked directly with Onofrio at Slava Polunin Francesco Bifano "Onofrio lives constantly on the hunt for intense and deep [...]

By | October 7th, 2012|Clown, Referenze, Adjudicator/Workshops|Commenti disabilitati su Recommendations

Chief Operative Officer, Sky Club and Concert Hall (Sochi)

September 2012 – February 2013 Sochi In the Fall of 2012, I started the mammoth task of coordinating all phases of the venue Sky Club and its Concert Hall, from construction site, contractors, suppliers, franchisers, set up and installation of the technical equipment and testing. I lead in the acquisition of staff and in the organization of events [...]

By | September 25th, 2012|Regia/Organizzazione|Commenti disabilitati su Chief Operative Officer, Sky Club and Concert Hall (Sochi)

La poesia dei clownche regala emozioni

Lo «Slava's Snowshow»: bolle gigantesche e cascate di neve -TIZIANA PLATZER "Che complicato dev’essere far stare sul proprio volto un naso rosso. Una faccia che Onofrio Colucci muta ogni sera, davanti allo specchio del suo camerino, con l’arte di chi sa usare cerone e colori, da artista artigiano quale si sente. «Noi ci cuciamo i [...]

By | July 3rd, 2012|Articoli, Clown, Stampa|Commenti disabilitati su La poesia dei clownche regala emozioni

Ingrid – Trailer

Award winning One Woman Show! Created by Svetlana Biba Directed by Onofrio Colucci & Txema Perez For more info visit Stage Director "INGRID" with Svetlana Biba May 2012 – June 2012 (2 months)London, United Kingdom I gladly accepted the invitation of talented young actress Svetlana Biba to direct her in a one woman show. We started form [...]

By | May 24th, 2012|Regia/Organizzazione|Commenti disabilitati su Ingrid – Trailer