La magia dello Slava’s snowshow raccontata da Onofrio Colucci (

a cura di Roberto Canavesi Torino: nell’attesa delle repliche al Teatro Colosseo, da mercoledì 7 a domenica 11 marzo 2012, incontriamo l’artista pugliese protagonista nello spettacolo del grande clown russo... Leggi tutto qui -    

By | March 3rd, 2012|Articoli, Clown|Commenti disabilitati su La magia dello Slava’s snowshow raccontata da Onofrio Colucci (

Cirque du Soleil Auditions

Cirque du Soleil auditions Milan   As response of the first audition of Cirque du Soleil in Italy for clowns and physical actors we received some 350 applications from all over the country. We had to preselect around 50 who took part to the final audition in Milan at Teatro Piccolo di Milano during 2 very [...]

By | October 24th, 2011|Regia/Organizzazione, Adjudicator/Workshops|Commenti disabilitati su Cirque du Soleil Auditions

ZAIA in Macao! (Cirque du Soleil)

 ZAIA was the first resident show of Cirque du Soleil in Asia. It was directed by Gilles Maheu and premiered in June 2008 at the Venetian Resort & Casino in Macau (China). This clown act was created thru the improvisation of Onofrio Colucci with supervision of Leonid Leikin (Theatre LICEDEI, St. Petersburg). This work focus [...]

By | May 25th, 2008|Clown|Commenti disabilitati su ZAIA in Macao! (Cirque du Soleil)

Los clowns Cherniakhovski y Colucci sustituirán a Slava

By | June 6th, 2007|Articoli, Clown, Stampa|Commenti disabilitati su Los clowns Cherniakhovski y Colucci sustituirán a Slava

COLUCCI Il magico clown che torna da Las Vegas

Ferruccio Gattuso-Mer, 21/02/2007 - 03:02 "Sotto la maschera malinconica e comica, esagerata e silenziosa, cova il sacro fuoco della passione. E della gratitudine. Ecco perché Onofrio Colucci - fuoriclasse dell’arte circense e clownistica, stella di prima grandezza consacrata in America nel kolossal O, il celebre show permanente del Cirque du Soleil a Las Vegas - [...]

By | February 21st, 2007|Articoli, Clown, Stampa|Commenti disabilitati su COLUCCI Il magico clown che torna da Las Vegas

Clown Short Promo

This is a quick compilation of few videos that I have available from my previous work, including some impro. It is not updated with my most recent work, but I wanted to try to upload something anyway since everybody is asking me why I am not on the web! Feel free to leave your comment [...]

By | August 23rd, 2006|Clown, Video|Commenti disabilitati su Clown Short Promo

Onofrio Colucci: Scoprirsi Clown (Sermig)

"Quale esigenza ti ha spinto a diventare un clown? Quale strada hai seguito per diventarlo? E come influenza la tua vita? Io non sono mai diventato clown, sono nato clown: la mia è stata più una scoperta che un'invenzione e questo lo dico davvero fuor di retorica. Quando avevo sei anni già mettevo in scena [...]

By | February 15th, 2006|Articoli, Clown|Commenti disabilitati su Onofrio Colucci: Scoprirsi Clown (Sermig)


Leading role in the show "Once..." Theater DEREVO March 1996 – July 1997 Dresden Area, Germany The current members of the group avoid the words theater, actor, acting. Rather they regard their work as an awareness of a person's existence. It was an adventure to take part in this show "Once" with them. The members of DEREVO believe [...]

By | March 25th, 1997|Attore|Commenti disabilitati su Once…